Generally, the purpose of teaching language at school is to develop the students’ language skills. There are four skills of language that the teacher has to teach in SMA/MA namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. School-Based Curriculum (KTSP 2006) introduces the concepts of some types of English texts where the students are expected to be able to develop their thoughts and idea into texts both in oral and written forms such as descriptive, report, recount, procedure, anecdote, and narrative (Depdiknas, 2006).
Reading activity is not simply defined as an activity in which readers read word per word in the text. Grabe and Stoller (2002:9) state that reading is the ability of drawing meaning and intepreting information in the printed page appropriately. It means that they are expected not only to read the whole text but also to comprehend the meaning of the text and to understand what happen with the text.
Afflerbach (2007:12) states that reading is a dynamic and complex process that involves skills, strategies and prior knowledge. In reading, the readers should be able to master every part of the text because it is easy to gain the comprehension in reading when the readers are able to master the text.
In addition Refildha (2012) conducted research on reading ability. She stated that the students had a low ability in reading. This condition happened because the student did not enjoy reading comprehension activity. Maybe students felt bored with the technique in learning that became monotonous. Thus, this condition affects the students’ ability in reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the goal of School-based Curriculum (KTSP) states that students are expected to increase their knowledge which is mostly written in textbook. It means that comprehension of the textbook is the most important things.
Based on the experience in Teaching Practice Program, the writer found what the students had low motivation. The teaching learning process has been dominated by the teacher, while the students tend to be passive. It means that during the teaching and learning process the teacher only gives the material to the students and the students do the work individually. Mostly, the teacher commanded the students to answer the questions in 20 minutes. This type of teaching reading activity did not create the students to be active to respond the text. Consequently, not all of the students take in part in this learning process.
According to Widiono (2007), there are four factors that cause students’ difficulties in comprehending the text: (1) students’ lack of vocabulary and grammar, (2) students’ interest in the reading text, (3) teachers’ unability to guide and manage their class, and (4) students’ inappropriate reading strategy.
In order to minimize the problems above, this research was focused on how to create situation where the students can be active in reading class. According to Wood (1987), one of learning strategies which enables students to display more positive attitudes and helps them to increase motivation to learn is cooperative learning. One of the cooperative learning techniques that are expected to be useful in teaching reading is STAD.
Newman and Thompson (1987) states that STAD is the most successful cooperative learning technique to improve students’ achievement. According to Slavin (1994), STAD is a cooperative learning method for mixed-ability groupings involving team recognition and group responsibility for individual learning. Students are assigned to four or five member learning teams that are mixed in performance level, gender, and ethnicity. The teacher presented a lesson, and then students work within their teams to make sure that all team members have mastered the lesson. Finally, all students took individual quizzes on the material, at which time they may not help one another.
It is believed that STAD technique can motivate students to read because it is interesting activity in which the students work within their teams. It is assumed that if the students have been already motivated in reading activity, they may like reading and may enjoy the activity. Therefore, if they enjoy reading activity, it may be easy for them to comprehend the text.
Based on the statements above, the writer is interested to find out whether there is a difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after being taught through STAD technique and to investigate the students’ activities in teaching learning process using STAD technique. Therefore this research was entitled “The Implementation of Student Team Achievement Division Technique (STAD) in Teaching Reading at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Pelindung”.
Sabtu, 18 April 2015
Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris